Star Club, Inc.

Are You Ready to Learn?
Join our After School Program!

Strengthening, Transforming, Achieving, Revitalizing

Star Club, Inc. is an after-school tutoring and enrichment program for at-risk middle school students in the St. Albans, WV community. Star Club, Inc. is a non-profit organization, organized and operated in accordance with the meaning and provisions of Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Service Code and the regulations issued thereunder.

Our Mission is to enhance the learning process through tutoring and mentoring, demonstrating and sharing a spiritual awareness by invigorating both mind and body through stimulating activities. The program will offer a safe, nurturing and uplifting environment, free from stress and pressure.

Our Program is dedicated to the encouragement, protection, and edification of at-risk children in the St. Albans area. The program will undertake tutoring of said children in fundamental intellectual skills such as reading, writing, history, science and math. It will also provide resources and opportunities for recreation, character education and the development of personal and social skills.